若要验证贵商家在出于广告目的向 Google 发送个人数据之前,是否会征求最终用户的意见,请实现广告效果衡量意见征求信号。为此,您可以使用意见征求管理平台或 Consent Mode API。
谷歌认证的意见征求管理平台均提供免费以及付费的选择,在这里我推荐 CookieYes Cookie Consent Solution,Cookie Yes 对博客类网站个人网站免费,当然是有限制的:100个网页以内或者每个月25000个页面浏览。对于做外贸时间长的商家可能网站上不止100个网页,或者网站流量比较大大,所以最佳选项还是使用 Consent Mode API,相信广大商家和我一样是没有编码能力的,好在有人已经开源了相关的意见征求模板。
集成到 Google Tag Manager 中
打开 Google Tag Manager 管理页面,选择你要添加的网站容器。
去 Github 上下载一个文件 gtm_template.tpl,在模板编辑器中导入。
成功导入后点击保存,关掉模板编辑器;点击左侧导航栏的代码标签,点击新建:代码配置选择 Cookie Consent;触发条件:选择 Consent Initialization - All Pages 用户意见征求初始化;点击保存。
最后提交更改,就可以打开你的网站预览 cookie banner 意见征求模板了。
除了默认的以外,我们还可以设置 cookie banner 的参数,以下选项仅供参考。
Field | Description |
Package version | Version of the package 68publishers/cookie-consent . Valid inputs are the latest or a version in formats x.x.x , x.x.x-beta.x and x.x.x-alpha-x . For available versions see the releases. |
Make consent required | The page will be blocked until a user action. |
Show the widget as soon as possible | The widget will be displayed automatically on the page load. You must trigger the widget manually by calling CookieConsentWrapper.unwrap().show() if the option is disabled. |
Hide from bots | Enable if you don’t want the plugin to run when a bot/crawler/webdriver is detected. |
Revision | Revision number of your terms of use of cookies. For more information see below. |
Delay | Number of milliseconds before showing the consent modal. |
Cookies 选项
Field | Description |
Cookie name | The name of a cookie value that holds information about the user’s consent. |
Cookie domain | The domain name for the cookie that holds information about the user’s consent, for example “.example.com”. If the value is empty, it is automatically set in a browser using the “window.location.hostname” variable. |
Cookie expiration | Expiration of the cookie in days. |
Enable cookies auto-clear | All cookies will be deleted based on the user’s consent and a selected strategy if the option is enabled. |
Cookies auto-clear strategy | Strategy for cookies auto-clear feature. |
Cookie names | Names of the cookies that will be deleted or kept (based on a selected strategy). |
Storage options
The following types of storage are available:
- Functionality storage
- Security storage
- Personalization storage
- Ad storage
- Ad user data
- Ad personalization
- Analytics storage
- English - en
- Czech - cs
- Slovak - sk
- Spanish - es
- French - fr
- German - de
- Bulgarian - bg
- Hungarian - hu
- Polish - pl
- Romanian - ro
- Slovenian - sl
- Finnish - fi
- Dutch - nl
- Croatian - hr
- Italian - it
- Norwegian - no
- Swedish - sv
- Ukrainian - uk
其他版本 cookie banner 推荐
Google Tag Manager Consent Mode Examples
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